Running commands
We can run against hosts without them being in the inventory.yaml
bolt command run "whoami" --targets ssh:// -u ansible -p ansible --no-host-key-check
We can use a jolly-joker called all
bolt command run "whoami" --targets all
We create these two scripts, and test.ps1.
echo "This is running",$0,$1
write-host "$psversiontable"
write-output "This is cooool!"
We execute the bash script with arguments this way.
bolt run script "first argument" --targets linux
We execute the powershell script this way.
bolt script run test.ps1 --targets windows
In order to upload files we need to make sure we provide the filename aswell. We also need to make sure the user has the appropriate acces level to drop the files.
bolt file upload ./ /home/ansible/test/ --targets linux
For windows the path is a bit tricky.
bolt file upload ./ C:\\temp\\ --targets windows